Saturday, May 19, 2018

Thoughts About...


Progressive Fascists believe guns and those who exercise their Second Amendment Rights stand in the way of their Utopian worldview.  Because of this, there isn't a way to frame a pro-Second Amendment argument - as to them, there is no argument, only mouth-breathing dullards who have outlived their usefulness.  The quicker they back us down, the quicker they put us in our place and enslave us, the quicker they move on to their Arcadian dream life.  


When they watch "Demolition Man," they cheer for Cocteau.


They are Fascists who oppress free-speech.  They shout down opposing ideas, riot to instill fear, berate, admonish and castigate anyone they see as their opponent - all while calling their enemy 'Fascists'.  The only thing missing are the Brown Shirts.


They believe in and employ Saul Alinsky and his 'Rules for Radicals'.  Does Rule #5 seem familiar to you?  “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions."


They worship at the altar of a one-world government.  To them, Nationalism is a colloquial, outdated belief - one which has no place in their dreams of equal outcomes for all living beings.  Not equal opportunity, mind you, but equal outcomes. 


Their belief in their own omnipotence is staggering and is only surpassed by their narcissism.  And this makes them a formidable opponent.


When it comes to their hatred of the Second Amendment, they are the poster children for Cognitive Dissonance.  “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.” 

They verbally attack others when their ideas are threatened.  When the argument is lost they viscously criticize, condemn and vilify anyone who disagrees - Racist! Homophobe! Bigot! Misogynist! -  Saul Alinsky  Rule #8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” 


They are intellectually dishonest.  They refuse to credit an opponent when an opposing idea reaps benefits for all.


They fear monger to put pressure on their ideological opponents, even telling lies to push their agenda.  Saul Alinsky Rule #9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist."  To understand this, watch as they stand on the backs of dead children to push their anti-gun sentiment.


They don't care that children are dying, only how they die.  In 2010 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that children 14 and under are 17 times more likely to accidentally drown than to be accidentally shot - yet Progressives pressure parents to call and ask if the house where the pool party is being held has any guns stored there, instead of asking if there is a lifeguard on duty.  To them, dead children are a commodity to be spent on their agenda of abolishing the Second Amendment -  nothing more, nothing less.


They are tolerant - but only if you agree with them.


They believe feelings are more important than facts. In Highland Park vs Friedman, Judge Easterbrook tossed away your Second Amendment Rights when he gave this opinion based on emotions...

"If a ban on semi-automatic guns and large-capacity magazines reduces the perceived risk from a mass shooting and makes the public feel safer, as a result, that's a substantial benefit," (emphasis added).


They are immoral.  Progressives believe it is just and right to steal from you at the point of a gun, as long as they - 1) Vote on it.  2) Believe it is for the betterment of others.  In their world, they are entitled to take from you your work product and give it to others.  And if you don't want to give away your money?  They will send people with guns from the Government to take it from you.  


Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly

My book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Lulu.comAmazon and Barnes & Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice read to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.