Many Illinois businesses are contemplating whether or not to post the State's "No Concealed Carry" placard on the front door of their establishments. What should they be researching while coming to this decision?
A few questions and facts...
Do you believe that displaying the placard will stop criminals from entering your establishment with illegal guns? If you're answer is "no," then you must realize the only people in your establishment with a gun will be bad guys who are happily aware no one else has one! You might as well name the placard the "Rob Me First!" sign.
In a report published on the Texas Concealed Handgun Association website in 2000 by engineering statistician William Sturdevant, the general public is 5.7 times more likely to be arrested for violent offenses and 13.5 times more likely to be arrested for non-violent offenses, than concealed carry permit holders.
Are you aware that by placing that "No Gun" placard in your window you may be placing your clientele at risk? When one of your patrons leaves your store, they are ripe for picking by any criminal who sees fit. The criminal will know that anyone leaving your business heading to the parking lot is unarmed!
Studies by the Department of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control and the Congressional Research Services all show that more guns does NOT correlate to more crime. These same studies suggest just the opposite is true. The CDC report also finds that “Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, is entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence.”
F.B.I. crime stats show that violent crime (including gun violence) has dropped by 50% in the last 20 years, while at the same time guns in the home have risen, as have States that have Concealed Carry.
You might want to go to under gun control and read up on the unbiased factoids.
And last, but certainly not least...

• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed multiple background checks - including those conducted by the FBI and local constabularies.
• Have passed mandatory training (16 hours - most in the country) which includes both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,
For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
Michael Loos8 minutes ago
For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.
Can you say that about your other customers?
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