Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Fighting For The Second Amendment - One Calm, Rational Voice At A Time

This past week brought news of a new and very secretive association - “American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention” or ASLGVP.  This is a group of allegedly 200+ Legislators who have joined together to work for gun control at the State level, bypassing Federal avenues in the hopes of starting a more grass roots line of attack.

The problem?  These Legislators - who work for you - aren't telling you who they are.  For now, or until someone discovers who they are through the Freedom Of Information Act, these Legislators who you voted for, may be working against their constituents wishes and undermining your Second Amendment Rights, sticking a knife in your back while wearing a Cheshire cat grin.

But I had to wonder if all of this anti gun rights, gun control, bleeding heart, Obama stained garbage hasn't helped us in the long run.

A recent Pew Research Center Poll which shows growing public support for gun rights - now at 52%, up 7% from January 2013 - certainly sheds light on the fact that Americans have said... "Enough!"

But really, why is this percentage going up?  Why are we winning? What is the real reason?

I would like to suggest that it's Education.  Simple. Plain. Education.

Liberals brought this fight to our doorstep relying on raw emotion, badly twisted facts, shyster numbers and blatant lies.  Using the compliant main stream media, they expected Americans to bow their heads and nod solemnly as those in power attempted to take away the one Amendment that protects all others.  Liberals, lead by the King Obama, thought it was their time, their destiny, their legacy... and they couldn't have been more wrong.

The fact is they opened Pandora's box!  They released the Kraken!  Their conceited belief in their own omnipotence opened up debate where they expected fealty, it acted as a lighting rod on both sides, it called into question motives and means, but what it really did was bring light to a debate many didn't know we were having. The bright spotlight on this new found controversy allowed average Americans everywhere to have a meaningful conversation with one another, real and honest discussions, and this is where we win.  This is our grassroots line of attack.  This is where we excel.  This is where we have the advantage. This is where we provide the rebuttal to the hand wringing lies.

In the last couple of years I have had more thoughtful, calm, rational and convincing talks with people - who range from Anti, to scared, to confused, to concerned, to interested - than I can count.  From friends and family to co-workers and casual acquaintances, I try to pass on the word on in a matter-of-fact, how ya' doin', "Say hey to Gomer" kind of way.

People sitting at picnic tables, by the pool, at kids baseball games, at Churches and family get togethers... wherever regular people meet up - they are having this discussion.  And we are winning!

I don't engage the Anti's who are frothing at the mouth, I let them spit and blather while I stay calm and relaxed and nod as if talking to a two year old having a tantrum.  When they leave, I am the one who looks like the trustworthy source of information, I am the one who seems knowledgeable, I am the one who seems rational and I certainly don't look anything like the stereotypical crazy ass, cold dead hands, selfish uncaring gun nut that they've been hearing about.

But here is the key... We don't need to turn anti's into gun people, but what we do need to do, is to turn them into people who aren't afraid of those who carry.  That's where we as a group can make the most of who we are.  That's where keeping your cool, knowing your facts, calmly rebutting the Liberal lies and being able to discuss them in a forthright, honest and casual manner makes the deepest inroads.

No matter where the dialogue takes place, no matter what they think, no matter if I've changed their mind or not, when I leave a discussion, I want them to believe that I'm a level headed, normal, intelligent and caring individual who knows the rules and regulations, who is well trained, who has educated himself on the lifestyle, who shall do no harm unless it's visited upon me and mine.  I want them to walk away knowing I would never pull my sidearm unless there was no other way out, that the situation is dire and that I am about to die.  I want them to walk away believing that I am a trustworthy individual and that I am not to be feared.  I want them to know that I really am one of the Good Guys!

This is how you win this fight.  This is how we make a difference.

Stay Safe, Carry Responsibly and have a Merry Christmas!

My book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Lulu.comAmazon and Barnes & Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice present to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.

My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through Lulu.com 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

From Paranoid To Comfortable - The First Six Months Of Concealed Carry In Illinois

January 5th, 2014.
That's the day the clouds broke open, the sun shone down in streaks of Golden Grandeur and I submitted my application for a State of Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL).  It had been a long year of practice, education, more practice and money - $250 for my 16 hours of training (most hours of any State in the Union), $150 for the application (One of the highest fees of any State in the Union), $60 for my fingerprints, $575 for my ATI FX 45 1911, $500 in ammo and $250 for countless hours at the range, but now, with the application on file with the Illinois State Police, the possibility of Concealed Carry had become very real.

As the days rolled along and the anticipation became unbearable, I began checking the Illinois State Police website incessantly, over and over and over, several times a day, hoping to see my application change from "Applied" to "Under Review" - meaning the application would then be vetted by not only the State Police (thru an FBI background check) but also under a finer microscope by local Constabularies. Then finally, about three weeks in, right around the first week of February - Bang!  "Under Review."

Closer yet!

Early March came round and as the CCL's started going out, the "Pucker Factor" became an uncomfortable way of life!  The suspense grew and I was now checking the ISP website every 30 minutes, waiting... waiting... waiting... until with a rather hushed and unceremonious page refresh, the header on my ISP account changed from "Under Review" to "APPROVED," and just like that I was legally allowed to exercise my Second Amendment Rights - those taken from all of us in Illinois so many years ago - and carry a concealed gun on my person for the purpose of self-defense of me and my family, right here in bass ackwards Illinois.

Six days later, following a new and very well worn path to my mailbox, my brand new shiny CCL arrived, crisp and unused, and after looking at it's every detail, I gently slid it into my wallet, headed to my bedroom, strapped into my Crossbreed Super Tuck IWB holster, carefully took my ATI 1911 FX GI Commander length sidearm out of the safe and slid it into its new home on my hip.

It was damn near as satisfying as losing my virginity!

I put on a loose fitting shirt, stood in front of the mirror and checked to make sure I wasn't printing, gathered up my nonplussed Wife and went on a Wally Walk - a walk through Wal Mart that many who are carrying for the first time do as a sort of ritual, a Right of Passage, one that when completed, stamps the walker as a newly minted and confirmed CCL holder.

The rules for the Wally Walk are as follows...

1)  You must park 50 yards away from the store.
2)  Do a threat scan upon exiting the vehicle.
3)  Move towards the store, continuing threat scan.
4)  Spend at least 45 minutes in the store.
5)  Use the restroom.
6)  Pickup a product from the lowest shelf and the highest.  Test to make sure you are not printing, or accidentally uncovering.  If Police show up, you have failed.
7)  Make at least one full circuit of the store.
8)  Buy something to eat or drink.
9)  Pick the busiest checkout line.
10) Exit the store, continue threat scan in the parking lot.

The Right of Passage was completed, but not without the paranoia of thinking others were certainly going to see my pistol under my shirt.  I was sure customers were going to notice a bulge on my hip then gasp, squeal and point, like Donald Sutherland in the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers!"

But none of that happened.
I've carried everyday since, except for the day my Son was married (though he wanted me to be "Master at Arms" and collect his groomsmen's sidearms at the wedding... I nixed that idea).  I carry from morning till night, at home or out, and the one aspect of Concealed Carry that I just can't get past is this...

No one cares.  No one.

It's obvious that even with all the anti-gun rhetoric, no one looks, no one notices, no one gives me a second glance.  People bury their noses in their IPhone, their tablets, a book or just gaze up at the sky like a child watching an airplane.

I quickly went from nonchalantly touching my gun through my shirt, gently hitching up my jeans, making sure to grab both sides of my belt so as not to bring unwanted attention to the fact only one side had slid down lower than the other to just getting dressed and going out.  Paranoia quickly became comfort, fear of printing became just another rumple line in my clothing.  I stopped grabbing my shirt to make sure it was down in place when walking or sitting down.  I stopped looking around to see if anyone was "making" me.   Again, no one cared.

I am now fully convinced that I could walk out the door wearing a pair of black jeans with a tucked in black shirt, a black belt, a black leather IWB holster and a black gun... and I'm quite positive no one would notice.

No wonder people find themselves in such dire situations, none of them pay any attention to what goes on around them!

Now, six months later, I feel naked when I am forced to disarm in the car due to a posted business or when entering an anti's home.  I feel vulnerable and exposed while missing the weight of the 2.75 lb gun.  So odd.  I would never have thought I would become so accustomed and at ease while armed.  It's not a feeling of nonchalance or complacency, but one of assurance and comfort.

A long strange trip indeed...

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly

My new book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Lulu.comAmazon and Barnes & Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice Christmas present to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.
Also available -  "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through Lulu.com 

Friday, March 28, 2014

California State Senator Proves Gun Control Doesn't Work

With the arrest of Democratic California State Senator Leland Yee, his campaign aid Keith Jackson and 26 other defendants, gun control activists are rushing to find someone to step into Yee's place as a leader on the gun control issues.  At the same time they are desperately attempting damage control, looking like the 'Little Dutch Boy' trying in vain to plug the ever growing holes in the gun control dike, with not only their fingers, but their toes.

They are fast running out of digits.

"Ironically, while he's [Yee] being charged with gun trafficking, next to (U.S. Sen.) Dianne Feinstein he was probably the second most outspoken gun control advocate. This really leaves us scrambling for someone to pick up that mantle," said Paul Song, executive chairman of Courage Campaign, a nonprofit advocacy group. "If it wasn't so sad it would be comical. But what we're really worried about is that this will further destroy the momentum for gun control here in California." 

We're not sure what 'momentum' Mr. Song is referring to, as recent decisions by the notoriously Liberal California courts have handed gun control advocacy groups defeat after humiliating defeat in their quest to stamp out the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Senator Yee allegedly sought campaign contributions in return for introducing an undercover FBI agent to an arms trafficker while at the same time, according to an FBI affidavit, Yee spoke with the undercover agent about acquiring weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles worth $500,000 to $2.5 million, from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines.

What I have found profoundly odd, is the comments from either side of the Second Amendment issue.  It would appear that neither Pro Second Amendment groups or Gun Control advocates are upset that a State Senator is alleged to have been trafficking in illegal guns, but are only concerned with how this will affect their fight.

If either side would take the time to - as my Sainted Mother would say - "Close their mouths and opened their ears," they would quickly realize that this single instance of grand hypocrisy proves once and for all that legislation against guns, against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, against the Second Amendment, against freedom and liberty, doesn't work.


Look at it this way...

Did the laws against illegal guns or gun control in general, stop Senator Yee and Jackson from allegedly attempting to acquire and traffic in illegal guns?

Would a background check have stopped Senator Yee and Jackson from allegedly attempting to acquire and traffic in illegal guns?

Would gun registration have stopped Senator Yee and Jackson from allegedly attempting to acquire and traffic in illegal guns?

Would the Bills that Senator Yee had proposed stopped him from allegedly attempting to acquire and traffic in illegal guns? (Bills SB47 and SB108 would prohibit the use of bullet buttons and other devices that allow for quick reloading of supposed 'assault weapons,' and require the state Department of Justice to study methods for safe firearm storage.) 

Would laws prohibiting concealed carry have kept Senator Yee and Jackson from allegedly attempting to acquire and traffic in illegal guns?

The answer to each of these questions is, unarguably, no.  As has been said over and over, none of these laws stop criminals from lawlessness.  None of the legislation that is already in place nor those pieces of legislation being pushed through State and Federal Houses is going to stop criminals from doing what they do.  Criminals don't care about laws!  Only the law abiding care about laws!

How much more obvious can it be?  Apparently, not very.

"I feel very dismayed and upset," said Amanda Wilcox, an advocate for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and whose daughter was a victim of gun violence.  But, "his actions don't make what is good policy any less good policy," she added.

Yes Ms Wilcox, yes it does.

This is what the NRA and Pro Second Amendment groups should be pounding home like John Henry and his steel driving hammers.

This is proof!

Proof provided for us on a silver platter by not only a leader of gun control, but a Senator for Pete's sake!  Solid, positive proof that anti gun laws only work against the lawful - not the criminals.  Don't let the anti gunners set their feet.  Don't give them a moments rest to spin this atrocity against the lawful citizens of this Country into something they can use to attack the Second Amendment.  Keep them on the defensive and don't give them room to breath.

As veteran firearms instructor Gerald Vernon said, "Legitimate self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with the criminal misuse of guns."  The arising situation with Senator Yee has proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt, after all, when he was writing the gun control laws and voting for the gun control laws, he knew they wouldn't stop him.

Now, what does that tell you?

UPDATED 2/27/2017
Former Senator Yee was sentenced to five years in prison for accepting bribes and arms trafficking.  Read the story HERE

UPDATED 9/5/2020
Former Senator Leland Yee was released from prison on June 26th, 2020, after serving just four years of his five-year sentence for bribing a federal official, and trafficking in illegal weapons, including fully automatic weapons and shoulder-launched missiles price from $500,000, to two and a half million.

My book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Lulu.comAmazon and Barnes & Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice present to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Jury Nullification - The Second Amendment's Last Stand

In the State of Illinois, along with the issuance of the first Concealed Carry License comes the thought that finally - finally - every person in the United States of America who chooses to carry may do so as long as they comply with their States requisites.  It may feel as though we have met a threshold of victory and that the gains made are gains never lost again.

But down deep, we know that isn't true.    

The war on the Second Amendment continues across the country - In Capitol buildings and town halls, in Courtrooms and in the media.  Debated by legislators, special interest groups, lobbyists and citizens alike, this touchstone of the Bill of Rights is the one fight we can not lose, for if the Second Amendment is lost, so is the fate of America.

The Second Amendment guarantees the rest of our rights are kept safe.  The Second Amendment holds tyranny at bay, both from abroad and more importantly, from within.  The Second Amendment protects us from the majority - those who believe they know better than us what we need - and that majority is willing and able to tear apart the Constitution to do it, all in the name of safety, unless we keep it free from harm.

Yet we still see Americans across the country fighting to dilute, even strangle, the Second Amendment under the guise of public safety, of keeping people "safe."  Study after study has shown that more guns does not mean more violence and many of those studies suggest just the opposite is true, yet those that fear this inanimate object with a nearly pathological pathos, shrilly voice their emotion filled concerns.

Now, the fight continues in places like New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Hawaii and Connecticut, among others.  Good men and woman who want nothing more than to have the freedom to be left alone, to pursue their God given rights, to live the American Dream are making their stand.

How can we help them?

In Connecticut, where law abiding citizens were turned into felons with the fell swoop of a pen, the battle is just beginning.  The State, in all its rabid emotion, passed legislation that forces citizens to register their supposed "assault rifles."  The fear of eventual confiscation is very real and there are those who are willing to face arrest to fight for their Constitutional and God given rights.

What should we do should those strong willed men and women be arrested and brought to courts across the country?  How do you fight unjust laws?  How can one person make a difference?


For those that might not know, Jury Nullification (JN) is the public's last chance to stand up against the beast that is government and say "NO!"  JN allows those sitting in the jury box to vote a suspect "innocent" when the letter of the law says he is guilty.  JN allows those making the decision in a case to make the statement that  "This law is unconstitutional, its a bad law and we won't be a party to it!"  JN tells legislators that they got it wrong.

Jury Nullification is a powerful tool that is described in the Constitution.  Although Judges won't tell you about JN during instructions, going so far as to tell you that you must put emotion aside and vote as the law allows, this just isn't true!

Let's contemplate what would happen if Connecticut went ahead and arrested 50,000 (some say as many as 350,000) citizens for non-compliance of gun registration.  Now, what would happen in that State should one person on each of those juries voted "not guilty?"

First, no one would be convicted.  Second, sooner or later District Attorneys would realize their only accomplishment is spending the State's money in a losing effort.  Third, Legislators would know the harsh truth of an unconstitutional law.

And all it takes is one person.  One person to stand strong in defense of a like minded individual who is doing his part on the other side of the jury box - for himself and for the good of this Country.

Be that person.

UPDATE: Kristen Tynan of the Fully Informed Jury Association (Where the gavel graphic came from) says this...  "Just to let you know, in addition to that incisive quote with the gavel graphic from our website, the Fully Informed Jury Association also offers a brochure on Jury Protection for the 2nd Amendment for free download from our online Library or for purchase in our Media Catalog on our website at http://www.FIJA.org . I am very interested in getting this material into the hands of people in areas where the information therein is particularly timely. If anyone in New York, Connecticut, or other key areas has opportunities to speak on this topic and distribute literature, please get in touch with us in the office at (406) 442-7800 and we may be able to help you out with some complementary literature."

UPDATE 3/17/2016
From the Foundation For Economic Education
Last week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 184 to 145 to pass a bill that would require courts to instruct jurors about jury nullification — the jurors’ power to refuse to convict even when they think all the elements of the crime have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt (paragraph breaks and formatting added):
In all criminal proceedings the court shall inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation to the facts in controversy.
At the request of the defendant or the defendant’s attorney, the court shall instruct the jury as follows:
If you have a reasonable doubt as to whether the state has proved any one or more of the elements of the crime charged, you must find the defendant not guilty.
However if you find that the state has proved all the elements of the offense charged beyond a reasonable doubt, you should find the
defendant guilty.

Even if you find that the state has proved all of the elements of the offense charged beyond a reasonable doubt, you may still find that based upon the facts of this case a guilty verdict will yield an unjust result, and you may find the defendant not guilty.
Read the full story HERE
Thank you Kristen!

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,

My new book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Lulu.comAmazon and Barnes and Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice Christmas present to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why Illinois Businesses Should Allow Concealed Carry

Many Illinois businesses are contemplating whether or not to post the State's "No Concealed Carry" placard on the front door of their establishments.  What should they be researching while coming to this decision?

A few questions and facts...

Do you believe that displaying the placard will stop criminals from entering your establishment with illegal guns?  If you're answer is "no," then you must realize the only people in your establishment with a gun will be bad guys who are happily aware no one else has one!  You might as well name the placard the "Rob Me First!" sign.

In a report published on the Texas Concealed Handgun Association website in 2000 by engineering statistician William Sturdevant, the general public is 5.7 times more likely to be arrested for violent offenses and 13.5 times more likely to be arrested for non-violent offenses, than concealed carry permit holders.

Are you aware that by placing that "No Gun" placard in your window you may be placing your clientele at risk?  When one of your patrons leaves your store, they are ripe for picking by any criminal who sees fit.  The criminal will know that anyone leaving your business heading to the parking lot is unarmed!

Studies by the Department of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control and the Congressional Research Services all show that more guns does NOT correlate to more crime.  These same studies suggest just the opposite is true.  The CDC report also finds that  “Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, is entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence.”

F.B.I. crime stats show that violent crime (including gun violence) has dropped by 50% in the last 20 years, while at the same time guns in the home have risen, as have States that have Concealed Carry.

You might want to go to JustFacts.com under gun control and read up on the unbiased factoids.

And last, but certainly not least...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed multiple background checks - including those conducted by the FBI and local constabularies.
• Have passed mandatory training (16 hours - most in the country) which includes both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.

Can you say that about your other customers?

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,

For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.

Can you say that about your other customers?
For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.

Can you say that about your other customers?
Michael Loos8 minutes ago
For those who may be thinking of putting up NO GUN signs on their business' here in Illinois...
As a Citizen with a concealed handgun license, I:
• Have no felony convictions.
• Have never been convicted of domestic violence.
• Have no history of mental illness or drug addiction.
• Have passed a background check and have my fingerprints on file with the Authorities.
• Have passed mandatory training in both the use of a firearm and the applicable law.

Can you say that about your other customers?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Illinois To Begin Sending Out Concealed Carry Licenses

The NRA's Chief Lobbyist Todd Vandermyde, appearing Monday on The Sportsman Channel's, Cam & Co., stated the Illinois State Police would be having a press conference this week to announce "... the first batches of carry permits are going out in the mail."


Here is the link to the show:

Todd Vandermyde appearing on Cam & Co

Stay safe and carry responsibly,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Illinois State Police Dragging Their Feet on Concealed Carry Permits?

Why must politicians methodically screw with us, your average, law abiding Joe Citizen?

On January 8th, 2014 the Chicago Tribune reported the Illinois State Police had approved and cleared more than 13,000 concealed carry permits.  In the article it states - "The Illinois State Police said Tuesday that it had completed the initial approval of more than 13,000 concealed carry applications, moving residents a step closer to being able to carry loaded firearms in public."  And followed with - "Police officials said 1,749 applications were approved Tuesday, for a total of 13,064. Those applications must now be reviewed by local sheriff’s departments, state’s attorneys, local police and the attorney general’s office, all of which have the power to object to a permit being issued. They have 30 days to complete the process."

I was among those 13,064 with a application number just over 12,000.  I filed on January 5th, the first day allowed, and the application was sent just after midnight.

Now, here is my question.

If my CCL was approved by the state on January 8th and then sent to the local police (County and or Municipal) who must approve or object within 30 days - That means the Illinois State Police should have my approved or rejected CCL application back in their hands no later than February 8th, give or take a day or two.  So why are the Illinois State Police telling us the first permits won't sent be out until the second week of March, at the earliest?  Five to six weeks after they receive the clearance from the local constable's?

What exactly is the hold up?  And why is no one asking?

Illinois Concealed Carry Instructors were allowed to apply for their CCL on December 18th, with the thought the ISP would test their system with the 4500 or so instructors applications.  So in truth, by the time the general public were allowed to apply, those 4500+ applications had already been approved or rejected.  Why havn't any of them received their license yet?

It would seem the very first permit would have been sent out on January 5th and you would like to believe the local police would have taken the first application to arrive on the 5th (or within a day or two) and cleared that first application.  Which means the ISP, in reality, probably had an approved and cleared CCL application back to them by mid January and no one will receive a permit until the middle of March?  Funny how that date is exactly 90 days (the maximum allowed by State Statute) from the original December 18th application date for instructors.

Government wonders why we don't trust them.  Government can't understand our distrust of all things political.  Government doesn't understand that they themselves are a long term disease that can't be cured and they prove that to us on a daily basis.

To the Illinois State Police... shame on you for bending to the will of those politicians who would have you drag your feet on this issue that has been so hard fought by freedom loving citizens everywhere.

Send out the damn Concealed Carry Licenses.  It's the right thing to do.

Stay Safe, Carry Responsibly,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Did Our Founding Fathers Think Of The Second Amendment?

Anti-gunners read the Second Amendment and attempt to change the meaning, to twist it and pick at it, to tell us the Founding Fathers never meant for this or for that.  They tell you those men who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, could not have foreseen what we have now.  I dare any sane and just individual to read these quotes and then defend tearing down the Second Amendment. 

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Complete Jefferson 

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”
― Noah Webster

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most
effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason Co-author of the Second Amendment during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …"
- Richard Henry Lee
writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them."
- Zachariah Johnson
Elliot's Debates, vol. 3 "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."

"… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms"
Philadelphia Federal Gazette
June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
Article on the Bill of Rights

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
- Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
- George Washington
First President of the United States

"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."
- Thomas Paine

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

"The great object is that every man be armed." and "Everyone who is able may have a gun."
- Patrick Henry
American Patriot

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
American Patriot

“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.”
― Thomas Jefferson
They are trying to take it now... this is the instance, the time, the moment for which the Second Amendment was written.  Stand tall, stand strong.
Stay safe and Carry Responsibly

My new book -Concealed Carry and the War on the Second Amendment, a collection from the New Gunner Journal - is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  If you have any questions about Concealed Carry or are sitting on the fence, this would make a nice gift to learn about the lifestyle and those who live it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

If You're Going To Write An Opinion Piece On Gun Control, Please, Do Some Research!

Gun control zealots like to believe they have it all figured out, coming to the conclusion the only thing they need is to make an emotional plea for gun control and the rest of the world will follow.  Hell, they've even gone so far as to pay consultants to come up with a "playbook" to help push their agenda! 

Ammoland quotes the "playbook" under a section labeled “Overall Messaging Guidance,” the guide lists as its number one “Key Messaging Principle,” to “[a]lways focus on emotional and value-driven arguments about gun violence, not the political food fight in Washington or wonky statistics.” This is further explained with, “It’s critical that you ground your messaging around gun violence in prevention by making that emotional connection.” Following in this appeal is key principle number two, “Tell stories with images and feelings,” which informs activists that, “Our first task is to draw a vivid portrait and make an emotional connection. We should rely on emotionally powerful language, feelings and images to bring home the terrible impact of gun violence.”

Sound familiar?

This week, Marda Dunsky, wrote an op-ed piece for Aljezeera America titled "Will We Come To Our Senses On Gun Control In 2014? Americans cannot continue framing gun control laws in terms of infringement on their freedom."  Sticking to to the "playbook" she spouted nothing but emotion, telling us about her fear of feeling unsafe and on and on.  But the problem is, she never researched any facts.  Her whole article was nothing but innuendo, accusations and falsities.  Articles like this, rife with mis-information, actually help those that support the Second Amendment.
Here was my rebuttal to Ms. Dunsky's piece...

"Legitimate self-defense has absolutely nothing to do with the criminal misuse of guns." —Gerald Vernon, veteran firearms instructor

All this poorly researched article does is prove the case for gun ownership.

1) "...as Baltimore and Newark, among others, continue to struggle with rising rates of gun-related violence and death."

Would that be New Jersey and Maryland? Two states with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country already in place? And their violence rate is going up?  I thought your point was less guns less violence?

2) "...In April the Democratic-controlled Senate failed to pass stricter background checks for purchasing guns;"

The recent shooter in Maryland passed a background check to buy his shotgun. So, not only did the law requiring a background check fail (a law put in place for this exact scenario), the law against owning an AR-15 style rifle failed (the law was passed because it's thought this would stop these types of shootings.) If you are going to shoot someone, you will find a way.

3) "California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland and New York passed tightened gun-control laws."

Really? Could you at least do just a little research? Illinois just became the 50th state to allow Concealed Carry while the courts have thrown out law after law that the City of Chicago had in place. How is that tightened?

4) "As things stand now, almost any of us can find ourselves in a nightmare scenario in almost any public place at almost any time. The statistical probability of that happening is not what matters. What matters is that it can and does routinely happen in the kind of ordinary places that most of us frequent."

That's why we carry. The bad guys will always have guns, while the rest of us, if unarmed, will live or die at the whim of the criminal. And as a side note, aren't gun control people always telling us that we have no need for guns because the chance of something happening is infinitesimal? Now you're playing both sides of the same argument. It's one way or the other, you can't have them both.

5) "Moreover, these freedoms are derived from a document written by human beings - and what people have created, people can change, for their own good."

No, no they can't. The rights are not given to us by a document, they are given to us at birth. The document (Constitution & Bill of Rights) was put in place to guarantee those rights are never infringed upon. They are ours, endowed by our Creator, God given. They are not yours to give and take away whenever you feel. They are not the majorities to bend and shape to their will. There are limitations (no shouting fire in a crowded theater type stuff) but in the end, No, you can't just vote away our rights. The Second Amendment is in place for exactly this situation - where people who believe they know better, decide for the rest of us what we need. It (and all the other Amendments in the Bill of Rights) protects individual freedoms from repression from the Government and the majority. Period. Please, again, do some research before writing. Just a little.

6) "We are not watching gun carnage unfold in some distant land. It is happening in US schools, on US military bases, at our workplaces."

Most school, military bases and many workplaces are gun free zones. Does it ever make you wonder why madmen with guns would commit these criminal atrocities at places where they won't meet anyone with a gun?

7) "It is corrupting our right to be safe in the public space - an existential right that underlies all other freedoms and iterations of American dreams, including economic prosperity."

Who told you this was a right?! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." Nowhere does it say safety. Safety is your personal responsibility. The Government can't provide it, the Supreme Court has ruled they have no responsibility to provide it, nor should you expect it. I refer you to Benjamin Franklin's quote "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

8) "The price of continuing to watch ourselves from afar, numbed by horror and inaction, is great indeed. The spectre of US gun massacres is taunting us to come to our senses."

Yes, we need to come to our senses, but here is a shocker for you... not everyone believes in only one way to attack the issue (GASP!) Did you ever give a moments thought to other outlooks or are you one of those people who believe only their way is the right way and anyone who believes differently is someone who needs your guiding wisdom and gentle hand?

A gun is the tool of violence, not the symptom. If you want to reduce violence, you must attack the problem at the source. What are the symptoms? Mentally ill people, illegal drugs, Gangs (FBI report - 2009 - Gangs may be the source of 80% of ALL VIOLENT CRIME - see what a little research can do?) unemployment, lack of education and the fall of the family unit, just to name a few. Heal the symptoms and you heal the violence

If you truly believe there is a causality between an inanimate object (guns) and violence, then by that very argument you have no choice but to believe that spoons make people fat. And if you believe that none of the above has its roots in personal responsibility, then honestly, you are lost and beyond help.

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly