But I'm here to tell you - owning a gun is nothing like that. Its a commitment that quite literally changes your life.
Once you make that giant, unnerving leap across the expansive canyon, the magnitude of your decision quickly comes into a sharp, cutting focus - the difference between duck down feathers and an anvil. The weight of the choice you've just made, to own, train and carry a gun that can take the life of another in the blink of a momentarily distracted eye, is crushing - in many respects, nearly overwhelming. And for those who are reading this who've never owned a gun, who are so cocksure that gun owners are fantasizing, irresponsible, feckless dolts - You can't possibly know what the far side of the canyon is like until you arrive there, until you experience it, until you've made the commitment, taken the weight of the responsibility and the accountability - in short, until you've made the conscious, dire promise to keep yourself, your loved ones and innocents alike, safe from harm... at any cost.
But here is where the real truth of gun ownership comes into play. This is what is so hard to explain to non-gun owners. To the gun-control advocates. To those who believe gun owners are immature men and women who need to have their ego's stroked.
The real truth (for me) is that every time I open my safe to access my gun, the weight of the responsibility washes over me. As the safe door opens, I am completely committed to the task at hand, my concentration sharp and fixed on what I'm doing. I'm hyper-aware of my surroundings and anything that might take my attention away from the work ahead of me. The only way that I can describe the sensation is like this:

Does this sound like a childhood / hero worship / gun toting fantasy?
No, its a heavy responsibility. Its an oath you've charged yourself with. It is a self-imposed discipline. It is training and work and practice, classes and more practice, expense and more practice. In many ways it defines who you are, who you've become and who you will be when the chips are down and those around you, those you love and are bound to protect, are in mortal danger. No one I know who owns a gun takes this lightly.
Now that I'm on this side of the canyon, I look back on those who I've left behind and I realize they are clueless. What they think they know, they don't. What they believe, they should question. What they understand to be true is a lie. And, unfortunately, the only way to find this out is to come to the far side of the canyon.
I'm here... and the view is breathtaking.
A lot of truth, but a bit of over-zealousness, IMO. And, BTW, there are no beautiful, hairy beasts in handguns. They are tools, my friend, no better nor worse than the craftsmen who hold them. My own 1911 happens to be a Colt Combat Commander, one of a run of 1,000 from the custom shop. In the end, it's still a pistol.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, Colt Combat Commander Gold Cup.
ReplyDeleteA little poetic license there, but I certainly think that along with being a tool, a gun can be a work of art, both in design and looks - and I make no apologies for that. My gun is there to protect me and mine, and if I get to enjoy the beauty of it along with the rich history of the 1911, then good for me.
ReplyDeleteBut to the point, my gun is no safe queen. It gets shot bi-weekly and if it gets a little scratched or has a rub mark, it just adds to the character. Most importantly it is as reliable as the day is long.
Hopefully sometime in the near future I can afford a Colt - I love the lightweight Defender - and add that to my ATI as my carry guns.
Thanks for stopping by and for your opinions on the matter,
Great reading your bllog post