Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why a 1911?

1911: "Fear no man, no matter his size, for I am the equalizer." Author Unknown

My carry gun will be the one pictured on top of the New Gunner Journal.  An ATI FX45 GI 1911.  What exactly does that mean?  It means I will carry a gun ...
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

The War On The Second Amendment

America is at war for her Second Amendment rights and it seems as though there is no middle ground - with nearly everyone I talk to having a strong opinion, one way or the other.

What are the gripes from non-gun owners?

"40% of all guns sold at gun ...
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Best Gun Quotes

"A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'"
- Clint Smith

"But if ...
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And The Journey Begins...

In the opening paragraph of the introduction to David Kenik's must-read book on armed self-defense titled, "Armed Response," he states:

"Carrying a gun takes commitment - a lot of commitment.  You need to learn about firearms; learn to ...
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Leaping the Grand Canyon for want of a Rattlesnake

The difference between researching guns and committing to owning and carrying a gun, for me, was like leaping across the bottomless gaping maw of the Grand Canyon.  On the one side of the sheer drop are like-minded non-gun owners and the great ...
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Saturday, April 13, 2013

You're killin' me, Smalls!

Its hard to talk to people who are pro-gun control.  I mean... really, really hard.  There isn't a fact they won't ignore, a catch phrase they don't embrace or a heinous, emotional event they won't stoop to aggrandize for the sake of ...
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Friday, April 12, 2013


Those friends and family who’ve known me most of my life may have been surprised by my sudden jump into gun ownership, but the reality is, I was never against guns, I'd just never felt the need to keep a gun in my home if I wasn’t able to ...
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