Sunday, June 28, 2015

Liberal Stupidity, Crazy Teachers, School Concerns 101 & Retention Holsters

Just so I'm clear on the Liberals logic of Background Checks for private transactions.  A bad guy with an illegal gun is standing in the shadows in a dark alley on the Southside of Chicago at 2:00 am on a Tuesday night..  Another bad guy, ...
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Public Places - Jury Nullification & Bat Masteron's Cane

Recently the Wife and I went to the polling place at the local Mall - not the Mall proper, but the strip Mall to the north of the property.  And lo' and behold there was the "posted" sign. I can't help it, but I
always get so worked up when I ...
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Concealed Carry Deterrents - Hatch Duty Gloves For Carry - Silver Dollar Belly Bruise


It's a shame, but here in Illinois, how many people add up the $$$ ($500) for training + the time it takes to receive the license, add in the ...
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