Saturday, April 25, 2015

Common Sense, Witch Hunts and Conniption Fits


Articles written from the Left plead for a "common sense" discussion about gun control.  What they fail to understand is this... When it comes to the Second Amendment, there is nothing to discuss, just as there is no discussion about controlling First Amendment protections on free speech. It doesn't make any difference how many polls or surveys or studies there are - The Second Amendment is a Right, not subject to opinion. Even if polls ran 99% in favor of gun control, it doesn't matter. The Bill of Rights protects the one from the many (tyranny). If you protect the Rights of the one, you protect the Rights of all.


I think we need a law that makes it illegal to break a law... Wait... did I just use Gun Control Logic?


I think they should pass a "Criminal Must Run" law. When a criminal in the act of committing a crime meets up with an individual who chooses to defend himself from said criminal committing the crime, the criminal committing the crime must run away from the crime scene or be arrested. That ought to take care of all our problems


Having body cams on Cops is about one thing and one thing only. The ability to ensure that the Citizens of this Country are protected from those that are paid to protect and serve us. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. The very reason LE is going to body cams is due to far to many LEO's behaving as if they are the judge and jury. The camera's will do two things - Make peace officers follow the law and treat Citizens with respect while Citizens will have to do the same. This is a win / win.


Michael Bloomberg is beginning to look a lot like Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy whipped Americans into a frenzy, making a mountain out of a Communist molehill - then fell hard when the American public not only realized it, but understood the insidiousness of his propganda. Bloomberg is like that - His message, couched in emotion, fear and "common sense" is not only insidious, but sinister as well. Thankfully, due to the fight of sane and fearless Citizens, he's beginning to look desperate and stupid - and to be honest, like many narcissists,  he's just not bright enough to know this is a war he can't win.  He is on the wrong side of the argument.

It will always be a fight, but I don't think he has the backing of as many as he believes. Oh, they may be loud and animated - which serves his out of control ego well - but there's just not that many of them.


If I hear one more politician or rights activist use the phrase "common sense" I'm going to puke.

It seems as though many people assume that if you carry into a place with a non-compliant No Guns sign and they find out you have a gun, you will be "asked to leave."  What if you aren't "asked to leave?"  What if they panic and call the police about a "man with a gun!"

Thanks, but I think I will just leave my sidearm in the car or better yet, not go in.  They don't want my business?  They don't get my business.


Each time I go to my Grandkids school for a play, school event, sports or just to pick them up, it seems so silly that I can't walk right in with my sidearm concealed.  I stand there, look at all the children, the parents - a school full of targets - and it just seems comical that I am not allowed to stand there with them, with my gun.  I had the same thought when I went to the hospital to see an Aunt who had surgery.  There I am, standing outside her door, waiting for my Wife to come out.  It's quiet, calm and serene - and I'm thinking that this is so stupid that I have to disarm in the parking lot.



Speaking of wives, mine didn't like the idea of guns, but didn't give me too much flak.  She would've just as soon I not carry... all the standard stuff, Grandkids, accidents, how do I know for sure the gun won't break and go off.   She would look away or have a physical reaction (flinch) when I unholstered in the car and put the gun into the locking glove box right in front of her passenger seat.  Now?  It doesn't bother her at all.  She has become accustomed to the sight of my sidearm.  She opens the glove box for me before I unholster.  And she feels safer when we go out.  I guess with concealed carry, there is an adjustment time for everyone!


Order a copy of my new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  for just $7.70 -The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

SCOTUS Drops The Ball In Drug Sniffing Dog Ruling

As reported over the last couple of days, the Supreme Court of the United States - in a 6-3 Majority ruling led by Justice Ginsberg's opinion - decided that Nebraska Police officers required a warrant to search a car with a drug sniffing dog after a traffic stop was completed.

LINK: Read the Courts opinion HERE

Now, in many circles this ruling is being hailed as a victory for the Fourth Amendment - which lately has been taking more punches to the head than smooth talking Leon Spinks.  But the reality is, the only change brought forth by the SCOTUS ruling is how Police will conduct traffic stops.

Officers in the Nebraska case stopped the car, wrote the ticket and then detained the vehicle and occupants for an additional 7-8 minutes while awaiting the arrival of a drug sniffing K-9.  When the dog arrived the Police were told by the occupants that they did not consent to a search.  They were removed from the car and on the second trip around, the dog pointed on what turned out to be a bag of meth under the seat.

“Absent reasonable suspicion, police extension of a traffic stop in order to conduct a dog sniff violates the Constitution’s shield against unreasonable seizures,” Ginsburg said, in an opinion joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

So the reality is, they didn't rule that drug sniffing dogs trampled on your Fourth Amendment Rights,  they ruled the dog must be brought to the car within the time frame of the traffic stop.

My question is this - absent Probable Cause, how is it ever legal to detain a citizen of the U.S.A.?  

If an LEO has Probable Cause, then he should search the car - just open the car door and start rooting around.
But, if an LEO has to bring in a dog to confirm his inkling, then all he has is a hunch, and hunches aren't included in any way, shape or form in the wording of the Fourth Amendment.  Detaining someone because you have a "feeling" about them, or they are acting "hinky" is not Probable Cause by any definition and doesn't hold up in Court.  And by that standard, if you have to wait for a dog to give you Probable Cause to do a search, then you had no right to detain them in the first place. You have - purely and simply - violated their Fourth Amendment Rights.

For a long time now, our Fourth Amendment Rights have been slowly eroded as the Courts have sided again and again with Police, using the "in the interest of public safety" ruse.  With this ruling, SCOTUS had the opportunity to cut a wider swath, putting teeth back into the Fourth Amendment - but alas, they dropped the ball.

In the end, they could have restored Honor and Integrity to the Bill of Rights.  They could have taken back what has been given away.  They could have pushed back against the militarization of Police in this Country.  But they didn't.

And then my question becomes...Why?

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly

Order a copy of my new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  for just $7.70 -The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through

Monday, April 20, 2015

Treasonous Politicians, Accidental Deaths and the Cost of Concealed Carry


I am 58-year-old male, married with two children and five grandchildren (plus one on the way!), a gun owner and a concealed carry permit holder. If I choose to go out with my family and friends to an establishment that makes more than 50% of its profits from alcohol, then I should be able to do so without the intrusion of uninformed and fearful legislators!  Like any private business in Illinois, if those business' don't want legal guns in their private establishments, then they may display a sign stating this (and lose my business forever). This insidious notion that gun owners are unable to contain themselves from twirling their guns, shooting them in the air and drinking at the same time has got to stop. We are already held to the same stiff laws and standards of alcohol consumption that Illinois drivers must follow, but to attempt to legislate a man's conscience is not only abhorrent but anti-American.

I'm tired of those State Legislators who believe they were voted into office to protect us from ourselves. You were not! You are here to serve your constituency, no more and no less. When you attempt to circumvent the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the very piece of paper you swore to uphold when you took office, your true self shows through and, as far as I'm concerned, borders on Treason. Shame on you for your God-like stance that you know what's better for us than we do.


If you've escalated the fight and then we're forced to draw and shoot your adversary, you will have plenty of time to sit on your principles in prison, while your loved ones are bled dry by a lawsuit from the family of the deceased. It's not about "making the smart choice" as to when you pull your firearm. It's making the smart choice to:

1) Not be in the position in the first place.
2) Make sure you've done everything possible to diffuse the situation
3) If necessary - just get the hell out of dodge.

If a situation breaks out and you make a series of decisions that incites that situation and you find yourself getting your head beat in and you pull out your gun to "stand your ground" or "defend against a lethal attack" and you didn't attempt 1, 2 or 3, the jury isn't going to care whether you made the smart choice - only that you made a series of bad choices first.


The CDC reported in 2010 - Accidental deaths for children 14 and under (they don't use children above that age as gangs play a huge roll in gun deaths) were reported as:

34% accidental death due to a car accident
23% accidental death due to drowning
17% accidental death due to fire
7% accidental death due to suffocation
6% accidental death due to a conglomeration of incidents
2% accidental death due to poisoning
>1.5% accidental death to due gunshot

As a mother or father, if your six-year-old went to a friends home to play, would you be more worried that the parents owned guns or that they had a pool? Would you be more worried if your child went with someone who legally possessed a concealed carry permit or with someone who didn't buckle them in when going in the car?  So for every child who dies due to an accidental gunshot, 55 die due to drowning, or fire, or suffocation or poisoning or other things... yet gun control is the debate? Guns are what this Country is so worried about?

People who push gun control while standing on the backs of dead children, don't care that children die, only how they die.  The agenda is banning guns - emotion and fear are how they believe they can get there.

Shame on them.


Gun control folks don't lose the argument because of inept tactics or being underfunded. They lose because they are wrong, and no amount of money can change that one, single, solitary fact.

Received my Concealed Carry license in March of 14, and if there is one thing I've learned in the time I've been carrying it's this... No one knows or cares.  Good belt, good holster, loose shirt = concealed.


I won't be moving anytime soon, but if I did it would be West Texas, Western Oklahoma, or the southwest.  I love Montana and Wyoming but I've had my fill of winters.  I actually like the cold, but I just can't take the snow anymore.


All I know is that when I'm not carrying, not only do I feel something is missing, I feel vulnerable. Starting out, I would have never believed I would reach that point.  So far, this has been one strange trip, indeed.


Illinois anti-gun politicians worked hard to stop its citizenry from getting a concealed carry license in more ways than one.  My classes were $260 + $150 for the license = $410  Add-in ammo and gas and lunch both days of class and its darn close to $500 without the prints (which I supplied). This amount of money is outrageous! And I've been out of work since July 2013, so it hurts!  $75 for a change of address?  Are you kidding me?  I can see a point where a class action suit is brought against the State for impeding peoples ability to exercise their Second Amendment Rights.  The money paid should do nothing except cover the States cost to issue the license, not to update their outdated systems.


My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Responsible Parenting, Stacking Evidence, Crazy Hoplophobes & Elitest Politicians


I've always felt that only when parents are held responsible for the actions of their children (school attendance, behavior, etc.) will we see a decline in violence.  Whether it be a fine when your child is truant or serving time when your child does something egregious, I think some parents need to be nudged into the understanding that they are the parent.  Not society.  Not the police.  Not the government.  Not the schools.  Not Jerry Springer.


Should you ever - God Forbid - be involved in a shooting situation, keep the following in mind...

A trial isn't about "one" piece of evidence.  It's about many small pieces that will attempt to show your intent.  Trigger job, lighter, faster, deadlier?  Yep.  Extra Special hand loads, dialed in to the gun to make them more lethal?  Yep.  Pictures on Facebook showing you pointing your gun "thug" style?  Yep.  Your signature on your gun forum profile is "Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six?"  Yep.  Found comments on a news link where you stated "... if anyone comes up to me and my family with a knife, you can be damn sure the police won't need an ambulance, but a coroner."  Yep.   They just keep stacking it...

Unfortunately, it can be all about perception.  Is that right?  Nope.  But it is what it is.  Think through everything you do, everything you learn, everything you post.  It could mean the difference between Guilty or Not Guilty.  Personally, I use hydra-shoks, I don't do trigger jobs and my intent in all situations is to run like hell, whenever possible.

To each his own, risk vs reward is a personal choice.


There are always going to be people who have an anti gun opinion.  If its an opinion supported thru ignorance, at least you have a chance to educate them and possibly change their minds.  When you have someone whose opinion is anti gun and that opinion is supported due to fear, the task of education is monumentally tougher.  But when you have someone who is ignorant, fearful and stupid, you might just as well move it along, because there isn't anything we can do to change their minds.  Any attempt at a conversation is a losing battle, which I avoid, for my own sanity.

This is from the "Speakout" column in a local Illinois newspaper - The Lombardian- where anyone can call in and have an opinion...

"This is a message to the gentleman or lady who is so happy to be able to conceal and carry. I hope I’m not in the restaurant when someone comes up to you or your spouse and maybe looks at you wrong or says something wrong and you feel threatened and pull out your gun and shoot that person. Apparently, concealed carry is just making you feel stronger and making you feel you have the right to shoot before you speak. I think it’s pretty sad that in order to feel safe, or think you feel safe, you need to have a gun on your person."

I read not too long ago - "Ignorant people are more likely to doubt the truth of facts that contradict their beliefs."  Yep, it's like that.


From The Blaze...

All told, the firearms industry contributes more than $33 billion to the U.S. economy and supports about 220,000 jobs, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. That’s more than double the North American payrolls of General Motors, which President Barack Obama called “a pillar of our economy” when he explained the decision to provide more taxpayer aid to help save the car maker in 2009.


From Breitbart

"On July 14, 2014, Representative Robin Kelly (D-IL-2nd) put forth H.R. 5093--the Children's Firearm Marketing Safety Act--to keep firearm-branded shirts, hats, and "stuffed animals" from being marketed to children."
According to the text of H.R. 5093, the Children's Firearm Marketing Safety Act would also prohibit the "manufacturing of a gun with colors or designs that are specifically designed with the purpose to appeal to children."
It also bans the manufacturing of other guns fathers use to teach their children how to shoot, unless those guns are covered with warnings like "Real gun, not a toy...", "Actual firearm the use of which may result in death or serious bodily injury," "Dangerous weapon," and/or "similar language determined by the Federal Trade Commission."

Thanks Robin, but if you don't mind, I will decide what my children wear and don't wear.  I don't need you or any other self righteous, over-reaching, hoplophobic, Bloomberg bought, anti-gun Politician attempting to legislate my conscience or to force your way of thinking on me and mine.  Such an arrogant, pompous, bassackward thinking megalomaniac.


I don't think that's going to fit in the glove box of my car when I go to pick up my Grandson from school...


 An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power

It was interesting, but I really wish he had included "shots fired."  I would like to have seen the percentage of hits vs shots fired and how that correlated to each caliber.


As far as ISIS is concerned...

It's time to let them get back to killing each other.  This is what they do.  This is what they've done for
centuries.  All the hatred that is reflected back on us is due to our unwanted involvement in their feuds - dating back to the late 40's & early 50's when we (and Britain) decided it was in our best interests to put the Shah in place.

And we have been meddling ever since.

How would we feel if France and Brazil didn't like how our country was being run and decided it was in THEIR best interests to involve themselves in the running of our country?

I vote to stay out and let them slaughter each other.  Let them run their countries they way they want.  If people there don't like it?  Then they can join the fight for freedom.

But, in the end, if we decide to go to war?  Then it must be done following the Constitution, have Congress vote on an Act of War and if it is approved, go in full tilt and finish it completely and quickly.  Go in to win.


I used to believe, that no matter what, no matter your political affiliation, no matter your personal feelings, when the President of the USA called you into his office, you went.

But since Obama?

Not anymore.  I would refuse to shake the hand of any person who was smiling as they stabbed me in the back - and having a big office with a nice title isn't going to change that.  Not going to do it.  Not going to happen.

He can bite me.

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly


My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through  

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Violence or Defense, Bullhide, How Are You Packing & A Great Safe


Anti gun people never understand one small thing... I am not committing an act of violence if I should draw my sidearm in self defense.  I am reacting to violence against me and mine,  I am not being violent.  I am stopping violence.

Big difference.


I bought my first gun belt from the Holster Store Custom Leather on Ebay for $39.95.  Thick, heavy, stiff, it arrived a few days later. I shipped it back to them 5 days after I received it when the inside of the belt, at the holes, cracked and peeled to the point it was flaking off.  A complete piece of junk.  Filed a complaint, with pictures, to eBay and my money was refunded.

I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a good belt as I am in the process of losing a lot of weight.  But buying cheap didn't work.  So I went back online and ordered from another company.  Just yesterday I received my new one from Bullhide Belts ($74.95) and it looks miles better than the other one.  It comes with a three year warranty - I bought the belt in the picture here.  Hopefully it will do its job for the foreseeable future.

UPDATED:  This belt has been terrific!  One year into everyday wear and it is still stiff and straight.  I wholeheartedly endorse Bullhide Belts!


This country averages around 385,000 home fires and roughly 600,000+ defensive gun uses each year.  Average response time from the Fire Department and the Police is about the same, 6-9 minutes.  Now, if the anti gun people claim you don't need a gun, because the Police are only a phone call away... why do they have a Fire Extinguisher in the home?

Do tell...


You could give me 1000 situations and I believe I would be hard pressed not to find a way to skee daddle in 999 of them.  I want out.  I don't want a fight.  I don't want a confrontation.  I just want to go home.


What do you use as your range bag?  My Father-in-law passed in 00' and I use his leather golf accessory bag.  Three zippers - Main bag and two side bags.  Works great for my guns, ammo, eyes and ears.  In the bag you will also find a small tool kit, targets, gun oil and other miscellaneous stuff.


I use the Sentry Safe gun safe for my close-by storage.  I tried a couple of other safes (made very chintzy) and saw a video of how easy it was to break in to some of them.  I then read reviews about the Sentry Safe, bought one and never looked back!  The Sentry Safe's reset button is under the battery plate and can't be reached without opening the safe.  The leading edge of the safe door is rolled down to make it very difficult to get a wedge in deep enough to pry it open.  Its 12" x 9-15/16" x 3-3/16" x 3" and it weighs 12 lbs!  I'm not saying you can't get into a small safe with a little extra effort, but this one makes it a little more difficult.  I have five Grandkids at my house almost daily (we have a pool and they live less than a mile away).  They range in age from 2 to 11 and I don't worry at all - that and the fact the safe is butted up to the ceiling of the wall (I'm 6-3 and reach it just fine).

I would recommend the SentrySafe to anyone, and do it without reservations.


How do we educate the public on the Second Amendment?  How do we make them understand that guns aren't the problem, but the people behind the trigger?  By being the cogent, concise, low key and rational one in the discussion.  That's how you educate the populace.  That's how you find vindication.


Gavel Graphic from Fully Informed Jury Association
I have served on several juries.  I've found it quite interesting and enjoyed the experience.  Plus, never forget Jury Nullification!  The layman's power (and by the Constitution - our Right) to tell legislators that a law is no good or that a law is unconstitutional.  A judge who tells you - 'if the evidence shows the defendant is guilty, the law requires you to vote guilty' is lying to you.  Once in the jury room, you can vote whichever way your conscience leads you.


My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Rational Approach, Snakes, The Golf Swing & Open Carry Agitators


I keep my head down and go about my business.  If the topic of guns or concealed carry comes up, I calmly and rationally put in my two cents.  If I am questioned or challenged, I calmly and rationally answer and rebut.  10 times out of 10 the other person - not me - comes off as irrational and emotional while I come off as lucid, calm, rational and knowledgeable.  I am the antithesis of the stereotypical, frothing at the mouth, shouting down, camo wearing, tobacco chewing, from my cold dead hands gun owner that is portrayed by many in the media.

Maybe I don't change anyone's mind - maybe I do.  But I assure you they walk away with a different view of gun owners in general.  They may still be anti gun.  They may still think owning a gun is stupid.  But maybe, just maybe they are a little more tolerant of our view point just because of this chance contact with a sane, normal man - married with children and grandchildren, bills to pay, baseball games to attend, lakes to fish, Anniversaries to celebrate, funerals to attend, sick friends to help - who just happens to own a gun for defense.

In this fight, how we conduct ourselves is our greatest asset.  We just need to be aware of that.


Trust me, when I play golf, it doesn't matter whether I carry or not, or what I carry when I do -  my swing looks like a man trying to kill a cobra in a phone booth.   And for 'summer wear' I have a Taurus tcp 380 in a Desantis Pocket Tuk.  I wear IWB and don't even know its there.


Like many, I have Grandchildren.  Five to be exact (with a sixth on the way!)  It guts me to know that here in Illinois, when I take them to the Zoo, the Museum, the Playground, the Library or go to watch them play baseball, softball, basketball or sing or act in a play, I can't protect them - forced by legislation to leave my gun in my car.  It just guts me.


Recently I was asked - "How will you know the world changed and yesterday's laws no longer apply?"

My response -  "When my neighbor eats the face of my other neighbor and then turns his cold dead eyes on me."


Count me among those who would rather the Open Carry (OC) guys, when in a pro OC walk, not dress like hunters after a month long trek across the Alaskan wilderness.  Whenever there is a pro OC assembly, the Media arrives, cameras rolling, looking for an "interesting" shot to put on the air for the 10:00 PM news.

Do they film those who are dressed in polo shirts, khakis and shined shoes?  Do they film those who are clean shaven or have trimmed facial hair?  Do they film those with pistols in OWB holsters?

In a word, No.

Remember, when you walk out the door, you represent all of your brethren in the fight for our Second Amendment Rights.  You don't have to conform, you don't have to be Mr GQ, but please, for Gods sake, at least be normal!

Which of these people do you want to be associated with?


The question should never be, when can you shoot, but, when do I have to shoot.  The scenario doesn't make any difference at all.  In any scenario you should be looking for a way out.  Period.  I am looking for a way to get me and my people out - anyway, anyhow.  When all of those options have failed or been closed off, when I have no other outs, that's when the decision is made for me.

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly


My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Libertarians, The Zombie Nation & The Psychology of Anti Gunners

**************************************************************************************************** I am utterly amused by the outrage and indignation from both sides of the Religious Freedom / Gay Rights legislative wars - both sides attempting to force their personal views on each other.

As a Libertarian I don't much care what people think or believe or who they are sleeping with.  I just don't care - to each their own, enjoy your life!  But as a Libertarian, I believe if you own a business and or property, you have the right to run it anyway you like, including the right to discriminate against anyone, anything or any idea you choose (including putting a NO GUN sign on your door).  It's your Right to be a bigot, your Right to be an idiot, your Right to be a self righteous prick.  But, as a Libertarian, I also believe the free market will put those people out of business (or hurt their business to the point of changing their outlook) because no one will patronize their establishment and their business will die on the vine, just like a Bad Idea.  I believe in personal freedom- even for idiots - and why would anyone want to spend their hard earned, heavily taxed money where they obviously aren't wanted?  Just makes no sense.

Of course these same people who are crying and screaming and suing over their personal Rights have no problem at all denying my Right to Keep and Bear Arms under the Second Amendment.  Can you say H Y P O C R I T E?


Typical Voting American on his way to the tennis match
I always think of American citizens as the crowd at a political tennis match, all clustered together in the stands, sitting like zombies awaiting a feast.  In a syncopated rhythm our heads move back and forth in unison, staring in an hypnotic trance at the political argument that is the tennis ball being stroked by the combatants, the Republicans and the Democrats.  Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... then a Libertarian yells "FREEDOM!"  In unison our heads snap to the voice, our zombie eyes briefly flicker to life, brains ratcheting like a rusty chainsaw , thoughts take shape and then, like ghosts at sunrise, fade away... and then slowly, one by one, we turn our heads back to the political game at hand, the ball continuing to move back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...


I've only owned guns since December of 2012 - definitely a newbie in the grand scheme of things - I have my concealed carry license and like all of you, I've spent enormous amounts of time and money educating myself on this lifestyle.  I've read all the books I can get my hands on and subscribe to several Conceal Carry / Gun forums.

All in the name of self defense of myself and innocents alike.  Just like you.

This particular article (listed below) gave me insight into the inner workings of the anti-gunners mind, why he thinks the way he does and how to gently work to change his mind, making him question his own line of thought without causing the defensive, emotional and irrational reaction we have all seen before.  I'm sure many of you have already read it and many more already know the information.

For those that haven't, I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
Raging Against Self Defense:
A psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality


I will never understand those that fear the second person with a gun more than the first person with a gun who is trying to murder all the people who don't have a gun.  How does that work?  And what more could you possibly ask for than some stranger who is willing to step in and put their own life on the line to defend you and yours right here? Right now?


In 2013 I went to my local police station to get my fingerprints for the Florida Concealed Carry permit.  The Officer taking the prints asked what they were for.  I told him that I was applying for my Florida license and explained why (at that time it was bandied about that having an out of state license would
allow you to carry in Illinois after January 1 - until you received your Illinois license).  I specifically said "this way I can carry until Illinois lets me carry."

The Officer looked at me and said "Let you carry?  Let you have your rights?  What are you... a Democrat!?"

I broke out laughing and he explained that in fact he could not care less about someones political affiliation, but he thought that everyone should have a gun in the home to protect themselves and that those that want to carry outside should be able to do so without interference.  He talked about the people of Boston who were locked in their homes while the police chased the bombers, going house to house.  He just couldn't fathom (and neither could any of us) how someone would have to stay locked in their homes without protection against the bad guys.

They really are on our side.   I'm sure you've all seen it, but here is the link to a PoliceOne survey of 15,000 officers...


I think everyone can agree that for the average person, one or two drinks with dinner isn't going to impair their judgement.  Personally I don't usually drink and carry, but certainly, to each their own.  My only concern - should a lethal force situation arise - is to defend me and mine while fighting to come out the other side alive.  If it all goes bad, there is going to be storm of stuff going on afterwards and I don't need an over zealous anti-gun DA salivating at the opportunity to put me away because he discovered I had two 7 & 7's with my three hour dinner.  I don't need a jury with a closet MDA lady itching to make an example out of me.

My goal is to protect me and mine and that doesn't mean just during the fight.  I am no good to my family while in prison on a trumped up charge.  I wouldn't be doing my wife any favors by having a civil suit go against me because I was drinking that night.  I won't make her destitute over a couple of drinks with dinner.

Again, I'm not preaching, I'm just giving my thoughts on the subject and why I do what I do.

Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,



My new book "I'm Married... Shoot Me!"  The harrowing tales of your average Husband. Children, insanity and manly cowardice, all wrapped up in love - is now available through